The art of travel
Everything you dreamed of
can be implemented right now
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"The thing is, some people don't realize
that they are the authors and can write it the way they want"
Life is an amazing story
"You are here for something important. Your life is not a mistake, not an accident, not a meaningless result of coincidence"
We get hints every second of every day
"If you want to learn how to ballroom dance, don't hang out at a baseball stadium.
If you want to learn how to play baseball, don't go to a ballroom class."
To view cruise bookings, register and access the booking demo
If you want to travel luxury, join the Club of luxury travelers
"Many people stumble by looking through a hole in the fence, clearly seeing the life they want for themselves, but for whatever reason don't open the gate and walk into that life"
If you haven't tried our booking yet, register and get access to the booking demo
There are so many incredible places on this planet!
Was it possible?
"Sometimes it helps to look at things from a different perspective"
Allow yourself to live
"Much of what we own is an illusion! Things break, lose their value, become the prey of thieves. But experiences are yours forever. Once you experience them, no one can take them away.

And the best travel experiences"
What should be done?
"If we don't relax, we will completely waste our time and energy on things that don't matter.
And then, when the opportunity arises to do what we really want, we will have neither time nor energy for it."
Are you not a member of the Club yet? The time has come for that. You have 14 days for a refund if you change your mind
If you don't count money, you don't manage it
If you are not managing money, then you are going with the flow
A little about business
"A person with a clear goal will advance even on the worst road. A person without any goal will not advance even on the smoothest"
Almost everything seems new and strange until you start doing it
"Each expert is initially ignorant of what he will later become an expert in"
If you are not yet a member or partner of the Club, now is the time to do so. You have 14 days for a refund if you change your mind

A story about a businessman and a fisherman

Once a businessman went on vacation, wanting to get away from all problems, so to speak, to recharge his batteries. He flew to distant lands and settled in a small village.

For several days he observed its inhabitants and noticed one fisherman who gave the impression of the happiest and most contented person in the world. The businessman became curious as to why this was so, and he asked the fisherman how he spends his days.

The fisherman replied that he wakes up every morning, has breakfast with his wife and children, then the children go to school, he goes fishing, and his wife paints pictures. He fishes for several hours. Having caught enough to provide for the family table, he returns, then lies down for a nap. After lunch, he and his wife walk on the beach and watch the sunset while the children splash in the ocean.

The businessman was shocked to the core. He asked the fisherman if he does this every day or if he can catch more to earn a lot of money and then go on vacation.

To which, the fisherman smilingly replied that he did not see the point of doing this.

But the businessman continued the picture of an ideal life: "Breakfasts with the family. Evenings with the wife, walking along the beach and admiring the sunset while the children splash in the ocean. Of course, everything you want!... Only for that time, your children, probably , will already become adults," the businessman noted.

Fisherman smiled at the interlocutor, shook his hand and wished him

Why do we spend so much time preparing for the times when we can do what we want instead of just doing it right now?

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*Quotes taken from John Streleka's book "Cafe at the Edge of the Earth"